format sybase date to db2 timestamp

DB2 Substring
format sybase date to db2 timestamp
Fonctions de date/heure en MySQL. DB2 Aktuell 2012 DB2 Basics: Fun with Dates and Times.
How to convert SQL Server's timestamp.
14.11.2011 · As SQL Server returns timestamp like 'Nov 14 2011 03:12:12:947PM', is there some easy way to convert string to date format like 'Y-m-d H:i:s'. So far I use
format sybase date to db2 timestamp
Conversion of STRING to Timestamp (DB2).Just updated with custom date/time formatting! This short article explains how to manipulate dates, times and timestamps using SQL on DB2 Universal Database for
Import DB2 timestamp into SQL - out-of.

I have to import DB2's timestamp data to sql server table. Time stamp data look like declare @x varchar(26) set @x='2003-12-24-' select convert
Hi, I have a source table which is db2 udb. One of the field on this table is string and its values is '2005-09-02 05:39:53.000000'. It is a timestamp but varchar(100
Default date, time and timestamp format has changed from DB2 UDB Version 7 to DB2 UDB Version 8, DB2 Version 9.1, and DB2 Version 9.5
IBM Default date, time and timestamp.