High coumadin levels

High coumadin levels
Can high coumadin levels or high PT/INR.Coumadin Level Meaning | Cardio Files

What vegetables can I eat on Coumadin (warfarin)? Find out here.
Can high coumadin levels or high PT/INR cause confusion, slurred speech and eventual passing out? Posted: 18 Oct 2010 by jeepdoc513 Topics: coumadin, heart disease
Coumadin levels are too high, what.
Doctors' Answers to "Frequently Asked.
12.12.2006 · Best Answer: Coumadin is a blood thinner (anti-coagulant), and a high prothrombin time (reported in units of INR) means that your blood is taking too long
15.10.2008 · Best Answer: Alcohol is in itself a blood thinner this is most likely the reason that her INR is so high. You could try counter acting it by giving her
Elevated Coumadin
When your taking Coumadin. If your I.N.R..
My doctor just told me to increase my daily dose to 5mg a day because my last reading was a lttle high. I am confused as to what contributes to a high or low reading.
High coumadin levels
Dangers of High Coumadin Levels.